Thursday, August 1, 2013

10 Skin Care Myths

10 Skin Care Myths
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Friday, July 26, 2013

How do you see Yourself?

Great way of showing how we see ourselves isn't always right.  We see every detail and flaw while others see none of those things.  After watching the video, watch the whole experience at the link above the video. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Makeup Can't Hide That!

Make-up can't hide poor skin.

The health of you skin can show alot about the health of your body.  Just look around at the people you know. How many wear heavy make-up yet it does not look good.  You can even tell something is being covered up. Right?
Yes we all see it, but it would be just rude to say something about it.  With so many tutorials on how to alter your features and hide your face behind make-up. We may forget to work on having great skin as a canvas.  Make-up is costly and we want to do whatever we can to make sure our artwork looks amazing.

Start with knowing Your skin type:
Yes it is very possible you are ruining and harming your skin.  All because you feel what worked for your friend will work for you.  You must always know what type of skin you are working with.  Otherwise you may be adding damaging products to damaged skin.

Use qualtiy products:
Quality products have a much higher concentration of the active ingredients.  Active ingredients are what will help improve your skin.  Many low quality products contain many fillers that are not necessary and may even make things worse.

Stay Away:
Keep away from fragrences in your products.  If it smells like cotton candy, flowers, and is not cented with essential oils stay away.  This has caused more drying, breakouts and more, then most other ingredients.
Also look out for alchohol as a top ingredient.

See a Professional:
I feel many understate the knowledge and ability of an Esthetician.  If you have not seen one do so.  Do your research to ensure you are picking the right one.  Education, product samples, deep cleansing, Knowing your Skin Type, product and ingredient suggestions are things you will learn.  A well rounded, educated, and trained esthetician can help with many skin concern with zero perscriptions.  If your situation is severe, or out of their scope, you will be refered to a dermatologist.

It's ok to use things in your home.  I would not suggest depending on them as your primary skin routine. Honey (organic or raw only), Avacodo, Greek Yogurt, Cucumbers, Coconut oil and many others can be helpful.  They are very beneficial with soothing and helping the skin out along the way.

A few over the counter options I like:
Yes to.
CeraVe (amazing for thin and damaged skin)

These are great and non clogging nor harming to all skin types.  Leave a comment below on your thoughts.

Over the counter: Eclos Go Bare

I had the pleaseure of recieving a free product form Freemans.  The product is Eclos Go Bare for anti-aging.  It contains Apple Stem Cells.  As a skincare professional I have used apple stem cell products in the past.  I have seen some great results.  Although the concentration may be different from pro care to over the counter, this product was great.

Eclos Go Bare has some amazing ingredients to help improve skin.  I would say it is great for combating aging in healthy skin.  It is very important to slow or reduce the effects of aging caused via your environment. Things such as partying...yes partying, sunbathing, smoking for example.  I wouldn't say it is great to help improve many heavy aged nor wrinkled skin. This does depend on the extent.

I found this product to be a bit drying to the skin even after adding the hydrator.  If your skin is way on the side of being dry this may not be best.  All other skin types it is great.

I would recommend this product.  For anyone with fine lines, skin that is just starting to age.  Even someone who is wanting to add extra benefits to the skin to combat aging.  It is amazing that the spf is also a primer this is a great bonus for an over the counter product.  Two products in one.
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