Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stem Cells and the Skin

What are stem cells and where are they derived? About 30 years ago scientists were able to derive stem cells from mouse embryos. Stem cells are derivedfrom embryonic and non-embryonic tissues. These develop into different types of cells for the body’s function and identity. Embryonic stem cells are derived from remaining embryos from in vitro fertilization. These cells are then stimulated in a culture and can be differentiated into a specific function or remain undifferentiated. Adult stem cells are differentiated because they are found in the tissue and organ of the human body and are available in small amounts. Adult stem cells were first discovered through bone marrow research. Certain cells in the bone marrow can generate bone, cartilage, fat, formation of blood, and fibrous connective tissue. Per research adult stem cells can be found in organs and tissue, brain, bone marrow, blood vessels, heart, teeth, gut to name a few.
Stem cell usage and research is developing in the esthetic industry. With this development also comes agreeing and disagreeing with the use of stem cells for cosmetic reasons. Some professionals feel that the topical use of stem cells can lead to mutated cells chromosomes. Others feel that our cells are not repairing themselves with age and sun exposure and stem cells can help regenerate that process. At this time topical cosmetics are not using human stem cells but are using peptides and enzymes from plant stem cells. Some products and companies that use different types of stem cell technology include EMK Placental Botanical, Dior’s Capture R60/80 xp, Image and more. Some use ingredients that stimulate the production of the body’s own stem cells. At this time it doesn’t seem as if topical cosmetic products will use stem cell technology at all other than those derived from plants. One company has tried it and is also switching to the plant based stem cell.  This may change soon due to what we know and continued research that is done.
As we learn, adapt and advance as humans technology is part of that in all industries including skin. There is still much to offer in the world of science and technology. With many people looking for alternate non invasive and long term results many things will continue to be developed and enhanced. Hopefully within this there is enough research and clinical trials done to ensure there are no long term adverse reactions to some of these new developments. With companies trying to be the first to utilize new technology and make their product the best and still maintain a high price we are sure to see many things to come soon.
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